Why Are Huskies So Stubborn?

Know how to train your Husky

Siberian Huskies are as stubborn and headstrong as beautiful dogs can be. These queens of snow have some attitude when it comes to following commands. They like to do things their own way and head out very confidently. But this stubbornness could become an obstacle in your coexistence with your pretty snow dog. 

So why are huskies so stubborn? The most prominent reason behind this stubbornness ought to be a lack of training. In case you got tired of training your Husky when it was time, it is expected of them to act of their own will. Huskies are all the more difficult to train. One has to be very careful with the training methods and employ a lot of patience. 

Sometimes owners use negative reinforcement techniques to encourage Huskies in following commands. Strong-headed Huskies then associate following commands with a negative outcome. Dogs really learn whatever we teach them, whether directly or indirectly. 

Figure out the reason why are huskies so stubborn

There could be many reasons behind the stubborn demeanor of your Husky. If you look at how you’ve treated them since the start, you’ll be able to spot the problem. The issue commonly lies in the training method and the reinforcement techniques. 

Note that Huskies may be one of the most intelligent dog breeds out there but they are certainly not obedient. They love to have fun and they know how to get it. Getting this affectionate wolf to follow you requires some hard work that you will have to set on. 

Maybe your Husky doesn’t recognize you as the leader of the pack

Huskies are very closely related to their wolf ancestors in appearance as well as habits. They have retained some of the intrinsic traits of wolves that regularly manifest in their behavior. Be it the howling or the integrity of a pack, Huskies are really wolves at heart. 

Huskies recognize the family as a pack. All members of the pack listen to one leader who gives the commands. Maybe you haven’t gained that position in the eyes of your Husky. This does not imply that your Husky doesn’t love you. Huskies are amongst the most affectionate dogs out there and they obviously adore you.

Initially bred as pack dogs to pull sleds, Huskies were trained to follow only one leader’s commands. If your Husky doesn’t consider you as the alpha, he simply wouldn’t listen to your orders. 

Maybe your Husky is very intelligent and knows what they are doing

Huskies are not people-pleasers. Unlike many other dogs, Huskies like to follow their own mind. They were originally trained to pull sleds. So if they see an opportunity to run fast, they’ll run fast. They have no interest in doing what would make other people happy. Huskies are quite excellent at following their heart if you look at it that way. 

However, Huskies are not mean. They still love you with all their might, they just don’t put aside their own will unless they have been trained to listen to you. The excellent intelligence of Huskies allows them to assess situations on their own and find solutions rather than dwell on orders. 

Maybe your Husky hasn’t been trained well 

The intrinsic wolf traits of Huskies make them strong-willed and stubborn. But they can be trained to be comfortably obedient. The development of extreme stubbornness is often attributed to improper training methods. 

It is possible that you haven’t trained your Husky adequately. If your Husky hasn’t been properly trained, they wouldn’t realize how they are expected to behave. It is essential to train them carefully, patiently, and consistently. 

Note that training a Husky is no piece of cake. It can be extremely difficult to work with a dog that wants to mess around. You ought to analyze in case you have accidentally reinforced their negative behavior. When you punish your Husky during training, they associate trying to follow commands with the punishment. Like this, they learn to ignore such orders and stay safe. 

The right way is to give them abundant positive reinforcement. This way, they would associate following commands with tasty treats. Training a Husky can be especially difficult if you don’t follow the right steps. It is important that you start with the easy stuff and then move on to the more difficult ordeals. Challenges should grow at a determined pace.

why are huskies so stubborn

Maybe your Husky is not well 

Huskies can whine and howl but they cannot communicate their troubles in words. You ought to look for the signs when your Husky doesn’t seem to be well. Maybe they are fatigued and conserving their energy. Many times, your dog seems to be nasty and stubborn when he is really struggling. Take your Husky to a good veterinarian and get adequate treatment for the illness. 

Maybe your Husky craves adventure 

Huskies are very energetic, playful, and adventurous. They need about two hours of physical activity on a daily basis or they feel bored. In case your Husky hasn’t been getting the required amount of physical exercise, it is possible for them to act all stubborn. Getting back on a sufficient exercise regime should cure stubbornness. 

Note the stubbornness patterns of your Husky 

It is important to pay attention to the way your Husky acts stubbornly. It is essential to analyze when it started and what factors contribute to making them act more stubborn. You need to decode the time when your Husky adopted this new stubborn demeanor. There might be some specific event that led to such behavior. 

Several factors could be in play here. Spotting the time of such behavior onset could help you determine whether it is because of some illness or stress. Maybe your Husky hasn’t been getting sufficient exercise for some time. There could also be some problems with their diet. It is possible that your Husky is expressing their discomfort with the new behavior. 

Also, note whether your Husky ignores you sometimes or more often. Maybe they haven’t been trained in a distracting environment so they don’t know how to pay attention to your commands. 

Know how to train your Husky to follow commands 

Training a Husky is not just about repeating commands and exercises. Huskies are way too intelligent to be commanded that way. They need to realize that you are dominant. You ought to be assertive and confident. Lest you confuse assertiveness with aggression, that’s not what we mean. 

You ought to utilize abundant positive reinforcement so that your Husky is encouraged to follow commands. Note that Huskies are fairly adventurous and fun-loving. You can make training easier by making it fun. If your Husky enjoys following your commands they would have no problem obeying. We suggest you sound excited while giving orders. 

Another trick is to keep training sessions short. Huskies get bored. They’ll pay attention as long as they feel interested. One of the best ways to grab their attention is by rewarding them with treats. 

Training a stubborn Husky can be very challenging

A stubborn Husky has realized that they are their own boss. You’ll need to utilize their pack mentality and assert dominance as the leader of their pack. 

Assume the role of a leader

It is important to be dominant in your relationship with your dog from the start. Your dog must respect you enough to obey your orders. Huskies have a pack mentality and they only take orders from the leader of their pack. 

Don’t use punishment

Using harsh punishments as a result of failure in training would only make your dog more stubborn. Your Husky would only follow your commands if they respect you, not when they are afraid of you. Violent means would make them even more strong-headed. 

Employ treats 

The role of positive reinforcement cannot be negated. You must reward your Husky with a treat whenever they follow a command correctly. This would encourage them to keep being disciplined so that they get more treats. Make sure that your dog understands that he has been given a treat for following the command correctly. 

Exercise your Husky adequately 

Huskies are very energetic dogs and they need plenty of exercises to remain happy. A well-exercised Husky would be more agile at following commands. Otherwise, they would disrupt training and want to do their own thing instead. 

Follow a training routine 

Training a Husky requires considerable patience and consistency. A proper training routine would make sure that you don’t miss out on their development.


This stubbornness is also a mark of their intelligence and ancestry. They know what they want and they know what they are doing. So they don’t like to be pushed around. You ought to properly train your Husky so that they can be adequately disciplined. Training a Husky can be challenging. You ought to have ample patience and train them regularly. Also, make sure that your Husky isn’t unwell or inadequately exercised. 

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