Husky Training

Huskies are difficult to train

In this article, We’ll talk about husky training. Huskies are very headstrong and independent by nature. They like to follow the whims of their own heart. Essentially, Huskies are wild. They love to escape and roam around. They run faster than a bullet. And they have tremendous energy to spend. Although, you must not confuse a Husky for a train without brakes.

Huskies know what they are doing. And they like to fulfill their whims independently. Training such a dog is obviously a challenge. You need a lot of patience and perseverance to rightly train a Husky. In reality, you’ll have to train your Husky again and again. Huskies require special techniques that they are able to rightly follow. 

Husky Training-A Detailed Guide

Huskies respond very well to training methods that involve positive reinforcement techniques. In such methods, you praise your Husky and reward them every time they follow you correctly. The key is to never lose your temper on your Husky when they do something wrong. But to encourage the correct behavior repeatedly. 

Through this method, your Husky learns that obeying your commands gets them praise and treats. So they tend to get more obedient. When your Husky makes a mistake, you must show them but never punish them for it. In fact, you must laud them with more praise when they follow you right the next time. 

There is a reason behind the success of positive reinforcement methods for Huskies

Your Husky is very fond of attention. When you praise their correct behavior repeatedly, they associate the correct action with your attention and decide to do it more often. This will require much patience and ample time, but your Husky will learn. 

You must never get frustrated while training

Positive reinforcement methods will only work when you aren’t frustrated while training your Husky. Huskies are very intelligent and they notice every low and high in your tone. So if you lose your temper on them, the training will fail. 

With patience and with adequate repetition, your Husky will learn to obey. Getting frustrated would build a negative outlook towards the training in your Husky’s mind and they wouldn’t follow. Your Husky will then follow their own whim.

It is important that you show your Husky what is right and what isn’t enough time so that they learn. 

Huskies are not easy to train 

Huskies are unbelievably stubborn and like to follow their own will. They are fiercely independent and like to follow their own heart. You have to take these personality traits into account while training your Husky. 

Their free heart tends to disobey too often. You’d need to be very consistent and regular in your approach. You ought to pay attention to their habits from the start and make sure that they aren’t engaged in something that would need unlearning later on. Your approach has to be firm and understanding at the same time. 

You must become a good leader to them

Your Husky will only respect and obey when they realize that you are the ‘alpha’ of their pack. Owing to their instinctive pack mentality, Huskies tend to recognize your family as a pack. Unless they consider you as the leader of the pack, it is difficult to get them to obey commands.

You ought to establish your position as the leader of the pack. Know that being a leader is not synonymous with displaying anger. A leader should be immensely calm and firm at the same time. Know that you don’t have to dominate your dog. You only have to set firm boundaries about what they can and cannot do. 

Start with the general obedience training

Your Husky might take a long time to properly following the most basic commands. It might seem that they have grasped the commands at first instance. They would then refuse to follow the next time. This is why it takes a lot of patience to train a Husky.

Start with simple commands like ‘sit, ‘stay’, and ‘leave it. You can then begin potty training, leash training, and crate training. Some naughty Husky puppies also need to be trained to not bite. 

Train them to sit 

‘Sit’ should be amongst the first commands that your Husky learns.

  • Make your Husky aware that you have a treat in your hand
  • Hold your hand in front of them and let them sniff
  • Use the command ‘sit’
  • If your Husky doesn’t follow, guide their back with your hand to sit down
  • Repeat the command while they are sitting down
  • Then reward your Husky with a treat 
husky training

Teach them to stay 

This is a very important command to teach self-control to your Husky. 

  • Command your Husky to sit 
  • When they sit, take a step back and ask them to stay
  • While stepping back, gesture them to stay with the palm of your hand
  • Reward your Husky with a treat if they stay 
  • Repeat this training while increasing your distance with your dog 
  • You can gradually increase the intervals for which you ask them to stay 

Teach them to leave stuff

It is important to teach your Husky to leave stuff that they shouldn’t put in their mouth. It would be amazing if your Husky learns to leave the unwanted stuff just by a simple command. 

  • For this training, you’ll need two different types of treats
  • There should be one boring vegetable treat and another more exciting favored treat
  • Attract your Husky puppy’s attention after making them sit down in front of you
  • Let the puppy sniff the boring treat from your hand
  • At this time, the exciting treat should be hidden behind your back
  • Command your Husky to leave that treat and walk away 
  • If your puppy agrees and stays back, reward them with the better treat 
  • Repeat this training until your Husky has learned to obey in all scenarios 

Train your Husky to potty outside your home

We recommend you not try and teach inside potty training to your Husky. This is because Huskies are very mischievous and may create a mess where you don’t want it. Potty training is relatively easy as compared to other forms of training. 

Simply taking your Husky puppy outside when they begin to pee is also a teaching act. And every time your Husky does their business outside, it is important to praise them adequately. It is also essential to reward them with treats so that they know. 

Train your Husky for a crate 

You ought to train your Husky for a crate sooner or later. This is important for several reasons. First, because Huskies are superbly energetic and tend to get bored quite often. Your bored Husky could choose to destroy your furniture in the nighttime. Second, Huskies find them more comfortable inside a den. Third, Huskies are master escape planners. 

So if you don’t want your Husky to escape your house unannounced at night, it is important that you make them a crate. Crates are also beneficial for potty training because dogs don’t make a mess inside their dens. 

Train your Husky for a leash

It is very essential to train your Husky for a leash. This is because Huskies tend to run very fast and the leash serves to be the only contact between you and your dog. Make sure that your Husky isn’t very agitated before they head out for a walk. 

Once they are calm, tie them to the leash and head out. A calm Husky is more likely to obey your commands while walking. You must train your Husky to not pull on the leash when you are walking. You can train them for the ideal behavior by stopping the walk every time they pull on the leash.

With time, your Husky will associate tugging with a halt in the walk. They will then learn how to walk peacefully on the leash. 

Remain consistent while training your Husky

It is essential to be very consistent while training your Husky. This is because you ought to give them rules over time. You cannot have them disobey a rule casually until the correct behavior has been reinforced. Every member of your family must know the rules for your Husky and nobody should allow them to engage in the opposite behavior. 


It may not be a very easy process, but you can definitely train your Husky to follow your commands. A well-behaved Husky is a dream come true. And training requires a lot of time, practice, and patience. 

Make sure that your beautiful Husky is dependably potty trained, crate trained, and leash trained. Untrained Huskies can create more menace than you think. A disciplined Husky is less likely to get destructive when they are bored. Also, your walks and playtimes will be more enjoyable for both of you. 

You ought to remain consistent in the training process. At no point should you get frustrated because this will become discouraging for your Husky? With practice and patience, your little Husky puppy will become a good boy. 

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