Best Flea Treatment For Huskies

Huskies are super squishy dogs that have dense and thick hair all over their body. Their hair is shiny and healthy naturally, but to maintain the health and shine of their furs, they need some extra care like a nutritious diet and good treatment for fleas. Fleas are the small ectoparasites that live on the skin of domestic dogs and they can cause severe infections and skin diseases to your dearest pooch. These fleas get stuck on the hair and skin of your husky and gradually multiply in number making their removal extremely tough.

Several products in the market can be used to treat these parasites and get rid of them. The treatments can be given in multiple ways such as oral medicines, creams, and shampoos. It is recommended to use the products that are suggested and tested by veterinary doctors.

Keeping all the risks and benefits in mind, we have shortlisted our top 5 picks for the best flea treatment for huskies that you can give to your huskies. With the help of our suggestions, you will be able to pick up your top favorites effortlessly!

Top 5 best flea treatment for huskies

1. K9 Advantix II Flea and Tick Prevention

best flea treatment for huskies

This powerful and topical solution for fleas works miraculously well for fleas and mosquitoes and directly attacks them through contact. This will kill all the stages of these infestations and with continuous usage of this solution, your husk will be free from all the infections caused due to the infestation of mosquitoes and fleas. This is an easy-to-apply formula that can be used without any hassle on your pooch and you will start seeing its effects within 12 hours of application. The K9 Advantix will do its job and will prevent your pooch from getting such infestations and will remove all the fleas, mosquitoes, and ticks that are on his skin.

Fleas can irritate your dear friend by biting on their skin and causing allergies and infections. It is extremely important to treat them well to ensure your pooch does not have to suffer from such infestations. Using the K9 Advantix solution for once will keep your pooch’s skin protected for the next one month or 4 weeks. It works dominantly on the fleas and starts to kill them in the first application only.

This topical solution works best for both adults as well as husky puppies who are more than 7 months of age as it is safe to use and is extremely easy to work with and is recommended by the top veterinarians.


  • Easy to use
  • Veterinarian recommended
  • Works efficiently


  • A bit expensive

Our Verdict

If you are willing to invest in a flea treatment solution that is recommended by veterinarians and is super easy to use then you must go for this one! Slightly on the expensive side, this solution is best for treating fleas, mosquitoes, and ticks infestation.

2. Veterinary Formula Clinical Care 16 Oz

This is a medicated shampoo that is antiseborrheic and antiparasitic that works well on your huskies and removes the fleas and all the other infestations on their skin very gently. This medicated fast-acting shampoo contains micronized sulfur, coal tar, and salicylic acid. The shampoo thoroughly cleans the hair and the skin of your husk and will get rid of all the fleas on his skin right from the first wash itself. This solution also treats all sorts of fungal and bacterial infections caused due to these infestations on a dog’s skin.

The presence of Allantoin and colloidal oatmeal nourish and hydrate the skin deeply and work on the restoration of the natural moisture by healing the rashes and skin infections caused due to fleas. This shampoo works very efficiently and heals the skin from any kind of rashes, redness, swelling, or wounds. It is recommended to use this shampoo twice or thrice weekly and then the efficiency can be reduced as you start to see the results.

Using this shampoo will also help in restoring the pH balance of your husky’s sensitive skin and will provide deep nourishment as well. The shampoo is formulated especially for dogs suffering from these infestations and it should be used on dogs above the age of 12 weeks.


  • Super affordable
  • Very effective
  • Cures skin issues


  • Can be a bit harsh on the skin

Our Verdict

Using this product on your husky’s hair and skin, you will eventually see a difference and will notice that the fleas are cleaned. With several ingredients that will deeply nourish and clean your husky’s hair, this is a good option available at super affordable rates for you to get your hands on!

3. FRONTLINE Plus Flea and Tick Treatment

The FRONTLINE plus flea treatment works by removing fleas from the stage when they are in the eggs or have been formed into larvae. They attack all the stages of these fleas and ticks and disrupt their reproduction cycle completely. The presence of the two major chemicals in this solution will kill all the infestations and will work on any kind of infections caused due to these. This topical solution is extremely easy to apply and use on your husky and will not irritate their skin while it is doing its job.

Trusted and recommended by veterinarians, this topical solution is perfect for killing ticks and fleas on your dog’s skin. This works efficiently and the effect lasts long by keeping your dog’s skin free from such infestations. The two chemicals do two different jobs- one kills the eggs while the other kills the fleas. This is how this solution works and cleans the skin and hair of your husky easily.

The best feature of this solution is that it can be used for huskies of all ages and is safe to use as well. One application of the solution takes care of the husk’s skin for a whole month keeping it safe and protected from fleas or ticks. This is because the formula gets stored in the oil-glands of your husky’s skin.


  • Waterproof
  • Super effective
  • Efficient action towards infestations


  • A bit heavy on pocket

Our Verdict

If you are okay with spending a heavy amount on a flea treatment solution for your dearest furry friend then this can be one of the best choices for you! This topical solution works efficiently and effectively and delivers the best results right from the first use.

4. Adams Plus Flea & Tick Shampoo

This is a shampoo that effectively and actively kills all kinds of fleas, lice, larvae, and eggs right from the first application. A perfect solution for huskies with sensitive skin as it contains coconut extracts, aloe extracts, lanolin, and oatmeal. The shampoo not only cleanses the hair but also leaves the skin hydrated and nourished. If the skin is damaged or irritated and has redness due to flea biting and infestation, you can use this shampoo and will see an enormous difference in the texture of your husky’s skin.

The shampoo is specially formulated for dogs and can work perfectly for huskies of all ages. It is a mild shampoo that will not cause any kind of irritation or rashes on your husky’s skin. Instead, it works efficiently in curing rashes, redness, and allergies caused due to fleas and ticks. The ingredients used are pyrethrin, a chemical that kills the fleas, and other substances like oatmeal, an ingredient that provides soothing effects to the skin of your husky.

The shampoo has a very fresh and pleasant smell and is very mild and gentle on your husky’s skin. The chemicals present in the shampoo make it a bit abrasive so it is recommended to not use it regularly and in short intervals.


  • Kills all the stages of infestation
  • Contains oatmeal
  • Reduces redness, rashes, and all other infections


  • Might not suit all dogs, a patch test is important

Our Verdict

A good and affordable shampoo to treat flea infestation that works by killing all the life stages of the fleas. The shampoo is very effective and can soothe the irritated skin of your husk and calm the redness and rashes caused by flea biting. Overall, it is a good and effective product, you just need to do a patch test before using it.

5. Vet’s Best Flea and Tick Home Spray

If you are looking for a perfect alternative for all those harsh and abrasive flea treatment shampoos then you have landed on the perfect page! The Vet’s Best Flea and Tick Spray is gentle and extremely mild on your pet’s skin making it the best option to choose from! The spray can also be used for your home, furniture, carpets, etc. It is an all-in-one spray that is a perfect treatment to kill fleas and ticks easily.

The oils that are used in the formation of the spray work effectively as they disrupt and attack the nervous system of fleas, mosquitoes, and ticks. This eventually kills them and removes them off the skin of your husky. The formula of this spray is scientifically proven to kill fleas and other infestations on your dog’s skin.

The oils used in the preparation of this spray fight germs and kill the parasites effectively. Without using harsh and abrasive chemicals, the spray is very effective for flea infestations and can easily remove them. You will start seeing the results right from the first application. The spray can be used around the house as well as it is extremely gentle and will cause no harm to any of the family members.


  • 100% natural
  • Pleasant and fresh smell
  • Environment friendly


  • A little less effective than the other chemical treatments

Our Verdict

This is a perfect alternative for a shampoo or a solution that cannot be only used on your husky but also in your home to get rid of fleas, mosquitoes, and ticks infestations. The formula is extremely gentle and can be super easy to use.

Final Verdict

From our top 5 suggestions including topical solutions, shampoos, and spray, we find Veterinary Formula Clinical Care 16 Oz shampoo the perfect choice to treat flea infestation and other skin problems of your husky. Available at a considerably nominal price, this is one of the best shampoos that will kill fleas and will give healthier and smoother skin to your husky.


Q1. What are the basic symptoms of flea infestation in your husky?

Ans. Your husky will show symptoms that are noticeable if he is suffering from flea infestation, such as:

  • Scabs
  • Irritation in skin
  • Redness
  • Hair loss
  • Itching
  • Biting
  • Severe and fierce scratching

Q2. What are the various types of flea treatments for huskies?

Ans.  The various types of treatments that can be given to huskies to get rid of flea infestations are:

  • Oral Treatment
  • Topical treatment
  • Sprays
  • Collars for fleas
  • Shampoos


Flea and ticks infestations are severe skin issues that can cause irritation and redness on your husky’s skin and it is very important to get rid of them. It is very important to take good care of the skin and hair of your dear huskies as they have very thick and dense hair making them prone to such infestations. You can use various products available in the market to treat their infections caused by fleas and ticks. You should go for the products that are clinically tested and are recommended by veterinarians.

There are various types of products such as shampoos, oral medicines, topical solutions, etc., for treating flea infestation, you should go for the one that suits your husky the best and that will work perfectly to remove and kill the fleas present on your husky’s skin. Fleas can cause infections, redness, itching, and other allergies, make sure you are looking for symptoms in your husky and if your husky is diagnosed with such an infestation, make sure to treat it well.

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