How To Get Rid Of Fleas On A Husky?

Know how to get rid of fleas on a husky

It is almost impossible to protect your dog from flea infestation in the warmer months. If your dog goes outside, they somehow find a way to climb on their back. Now you cannot keep your playful Husky inside the house to protect them from fleas. Huskies are especially energetic and do not like to be packed inside. In fact, about two hours of splendid physical activity is essential for their general health, mental health, and well-being. 

So how do you get rid of fleas on a Husky? It is important that you stay prepared for this eventuality as soon as the winters recede. Your joyous Husky is only expected to bring more fleas than other dogs. We have brought you several tried and tested solutions that’ll help in effectively getting rid of the fleas on your Husky. 

First, learn how to recognize fleas

The most obvious sign of a flea infestation is itchiness. Your dog might scratch themselves more often than usual. There may be redness on their skin. You may also spot patches where they’ve lost hair. Some Huskies even tend to lose weight when they are infested by fleas. Fleas are parasitic insects that suck on the blood of your dog to derive nourishment. You can scrutinize your dog’s fur and find these fleas meandering about as if on a highway. 

How to get rid of fleas on a husky- A Detailed Guide

Yes. it is entirely possible to get rid of fleas once they have made an appearance on your dog and inside your house. You’ll first need to understand the life cycle of a flea so that you can make sure they are totally gone. 

Recognize the flea life cycle 

It is important to know about the life cycle of fleas because different treatments target different phases of their growth. Fleas go through four phases: eggs, larvae, pupa, and adult. The fleas that thrive on your Husky’s body are adults. They are spread throughout their fur, clung to their skin, and have probably laid eggs all-around your house. 

The eggs are spread in every location the dog rests at. When the eggs hatch, there come larvae. These larvae go through a pupa stage where they build cocoons. The adult fleas are born after these cocoons hatch. It is the adult fleas that cling to your dog’s skin and cause them much discomfort. 

You ought to recognize the stage of the life cycle of fleas so that you can decide on the right treatment. 

Flea eggs are present on your Husky’s fur 

Adult fleas lay eggs on the fur or skin of your Husky. These eggs are very small in size and are hardly noticeable. One female can lay up to forty eggs in a day. The hatching time is also short. 

Flea larvae hide in shady spots 

Flea larvae are blind and dependent on the droppings of adult fleas for survival. The larvae develop into pupae after about fourteen days.

Pupae survive in warm environments 

The larvae bind themselves inside safe cocoons and transform into the adult flea inside. The sticky surface of the cocoon is very hard to remove from the place it is stuck at. Even vacuum cleaners can prove to be ineffective. 

However, pupae require a relatively warm area to survive. The adult fleas can then come out after about twelve days.  

The adult fleas feed on your Husky’s blood 

Adults fleas are very small in size but quite visible to the naked eye. They are dark brown in color. These fleas cling to your Husky’s skin with the help of powerful claws. They then feed on your canine’s blood for nutrition. 

Prevention is better than cure 

You can take preventive measures against fleas as soon as the weather begins to warm up. There are dependable protective agents against fleas in the market. These treatments are very effective in preventing fleas from getting on your dog in the first place. We recommend you seek an opinion from your dog’s veterinarian about the best possible preventive measure for your Husky.

Note that the protective agents will also kill the fleas that have already infested your dog. You can get a flea pill prescribed by your veterinarian. This pill is capable of instantly killing all the fleas that may have infested your dog. 

Veterinarians usually suggest a flea collar for smaller dog breeds. This collar would not be effective on your Husky. Huskies are larger in size. Fleas can easily avoid the collar and still exist on their body. Another option involves liquid applicants. These are quick action chemical treatments that serve to eliminate all fleas from your Husky’s body.

Get rid of the fleas inside your home 

Getting rid of fleas is not just about killing the fleas present on your dog. You would also have to get rid of the fleas that infest your home after infesting the dog. The life cycle of fleas lasts about five months. You would easily require that much time to get rid of them entirely. 

You’d need to vacuum all rugs, floors, carpets. Once you’re done, you’d have to get rid of the vacuum bag since fleas can easily escape and manage to linger around your house again. An environment-friendly flea controlling agent is suggested to cover all surfaces. 

A monthly prescription of flea preventive agents is essential for the well-being of your Husky. As long as the warm season lasts. Even your yard or garden can be made free of fleas with the help of a suitable harmless treatment option. 

how to get rid of fleas on a husky

Get help from your veterinarian

Trust your veterinarian in prescribing the right and effective solution for the fleas on your dog. According to the condition of your Husky, your veterinarian may suggest topical, spray, oral, shampoo, or collar treatment.

Consider topical treatments 

Topical treatments are applied directly to your Husky’s skin. These treatments should not lie within the reach of your Husky because they are harmful when consumed. That is why they are applied at the base of your Husky’s neck where they cannot reach or scratch. 

The potent chemical inside this treatment is very toxic for fleas. It is slowly released to maintain protection against fleas for a long time. Ideally, topical treatments last up to about four weeks. These treatments are only available on prescription by your veterinarian. 

While topical treatments are easy to apply, they are also very quick in action. Moreover, they stay effective for a long time. You must ensure that your dog is not allergic to these treatments. This possibility can be determined with the help of your veterinarian. 

Consider spray treatments 

Flea sprays are not employed vary widely these days. They are still an effective method of combat against flea infestation. The chemical solution inside these sprays is directly applied to your Husky’s skin. Note that these sprays are only effective on adult fleas and the effects are short-lived. You’ll have to spray the Husky, again and again, to maintain protection over time. 

Although this method offers short-lived protection against fleas, it is quite easy to use and can be utilized for short durations of outside activity. However, there always remains a danger of ingestion. Huskies love to groom themselves. They could accidentally lick this solution and develop complications. 

Consider oral treatments 

Oral treatments introduce chemicals into your Husky’s bloodstream. So the fleas that have clung to your Husky’s skin and suck on their blood would feed on the chemical and die. Different oral treatments target different stages of a flea’s life cycle. Some oral treatments tend to kill fleas. Others merely make them sterile so that they are not able to reproduce. 

The action of oral treatments against flea reproduction is very effective and ensures long-term protection. These treatments are very easy to administer and can also be combined with other effective treatment regimes. Although, you ought to ensure that your dog is not allergic to such oral medications. Note that oral anti-flea treatments are not effective against ticks. 

Consider shampoo treatments 

Anti-flea shampoos are very useful in killing adult fleas and getting rid of them for once. These shampoos have to be massaged into your dog’s skin during the bath. The shampoo should then be left for fifteen to twenty minutes for the desired action. 

Note that the effects of anti-flea shampoos are short-lived. Although, they are a good treatment option to be utilized along with other possible treatments. Also, anti-flea shampoos are an economical treatment option. 


It is as important to make your house as free of fleas as your dog. Otherwise, this problem is bound to occur again and again throughout the warm season. It is recommended that you go for a prescribed anti-flea treatment. Make sure that your Husky is not allergic to any chemical present in the above-mentioned treatment options. You can definitely relieve them of the never-ending itch.

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